To use ota-schema-tools to create jaxb files from the opentravel schema, follow these simple steps:
Edit the ota-schema-tools/config/[spec]/xmlbeans/ota.xsd file to only include the schema that you want. (Where [spec] is the ota schema version ie., 2007A)
Add the xmlbeans jars to your classpath, or edit the build.xml file and change the property xmlbeans.home to point to the xmlbeans home directory.
a schema
file from
and drop
it in the ota-schema-zip-files
directory, then type:
export ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m
> ant xmlbeans
Your schema will be unzipped, organized, and cleaned up, compiled using xmlbeans, and placed in a jar.
If you need a little
more concrete example, check my blog Creating
jaxb files from the opentravel schema. Just replace xmlbeans for
jaxb in the examples.
Don <>